Mother’s Birthday Prayer
Dear Father this day I humbly bow
Before Thy Heavenly throne,
In thanksgiving, and praise,
For Thy treasures sent,
To cheer, and bless, our home.
Nine times on the pathway of life, after months of prayer, anxiety, and joyful expectancy, dear Father, Thou sent to me a new companion, a dear sweet child, a beautiful babe, with the dews of Heaven fresh on its brow, and Devine love-light shining in its eyes. The rapture which filled my soul as I embraced each new treasure, only Thee, and the angles knew.
The joy and happiness of our little group has grown as the days, weeks, months and years have passed. We still march hand in hand, with love, hope, courage, perseverance, Devine trust, our guiding star.
And today dear Father we all thank Thee, for the fine combination of undeveloped possibilities which Thou gavest us, when Thou sentest us on this earthly pilgrimage.
We thank Thee for the light from Thy presence which has been on our pathway from our earliest recollections. Even as little children when we wandered through the green pastures of childhood and youth, where wild flowers in gorgeous colors were scattered on either side of our pathway, as far as the eye could reach, and every thing in the distance seemed to have a shimmering halo about it, a guilding, an enchantment, which urges youth to rush forward, and grasp the seeming treasure, but Thy voice whispered, keep to the path children, keep to the path.
We thank Thee that our path led by small streams, and great rivers, whose banks were lined with willows, shrubs and trees, where birds sang their sweetest melodies in the sunshine, and inspired the passer-by with new hope, and courage, as he listened to the enchantment of their happy songs.
[Page ii] The path led by fertile fields, and barren wastes. By both neglected, and well-kept gardens. By happy homes where children played. By schools, and churches, where Thy children struggled to learn more of Thee and Thy works, and our hearts were often touched with the earnestness with which many of Thy children strove to develop, grow, and solve the great problems of life.
Today instead of nine, our group numbering 91 are thankful to Thee, dear Father, for the opportunities which have come to us, and for Thy divine guidance in the hours of need.
On our path we passed through great forests where lurked animals who were enemies to man, but in the hours of danger the light from Thy presence shown on our pathway, and kept us from harm.
And now on the great mountain-side of life, we often come to great cliffs, wooded glens, coves, shaded nooks, and open spaces, where Mother Nature, “Thine handmaiden” has spread a carpet of such loveliness, that we stand awe-stricken before the magnificence of the mighty works of Thy hand, And as we gaze upon such splendor dear Father, our hearts are filled with rapture, and praise to Thee.
Provo, Jan. 10, 1939
Mother’s Prayer
Father, I need Thee every hour.
Give me courage, strength and power
To live my life aright.
The children Thou has given me
Are jewels very fine and rare,
That I may be worthy of this sacred trust
Is my constant, sincere prayer.
May my dear ones each draw near to Thee.
Be Thou their inspiration, guide, and friend.
Keep them close to Thee, each day, each hour,
Guide them safely on life’s journey to the end.
Fillmore, October, 1934
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